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7000 Key Blanks Series

• The 'baton' series 7000 tubular key locks are available
with a number of key profiles which provide different
levels of securityUnless other- wise specified, all of
the series 7000 tubular key locksas shown on the
following pages are manufactured to accept a 9.6mm
diameter center standard tubular keys.
• All 'baton' series 7000 tubular key locks are compatible
with othermanufacturers' tubular key locks which can
be ordered on a specific key combination and to your
existing code or new code.


Stock No. Material Diameter
KB7000T1 Steel dia 9.6mm
KB7000T2 Steel dia 9.6mm
KB7000T4 Steel dia 9.6mm
KB7000GC Steel dia 9.6mm
KB7000GF Steel dia 9.6mm
KB7000G2 Steel dia 9.6mm
KB7000G4 Steel dia 9.6mm
7G00-TG2 Steel dia 9.6mm