• Lock housing is made out of hardened steel for 10 Pin
U-CHANGE Cam Lock with Copper/ Nickel/ Chrome
triple plated.
• Lock housing is made out of Zinc alloy for 10 Pin Cam
Lock with Copper/ Nickel/ Chrome triple plated.
• Standard 3/4" diameter with 2 flat meets 'NAMA'
• Please see Baton's series 690 Cam & Accessories.
8000 Series 10 Pins Cam Lock
- Lock is supplied with the key removable in a locked position and 90 degree rotation.The degree rotation is fieldreversible
to meet different applications. A 180 degree rotation governor is optional. Lock can be KA (key aliked), KD (key
different), MKD (master keying system). Each lock is supplied with 2 nickel plated steel keys. Three sizes are available.
8800 Series 12 Pins U - CHANGE Cam Lock
- With no inner driver and unique keyway give you the maximum protection with greatest convienecy. Locks can be
keyed by change key into any one of the 12 key combination or back to the original key combination easily and quickly
regardless of sequence. without removing and reassembling the lock by using its own Change key. Each lock is
supplied with 12 OP keys. Four models are available.